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Article with useful information for farmers
December 2024

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Growing Seed Containing  Corteva Agriscience™ Licensed Technologies  
Careful planning sets the stage for quality seed products that lead to satisfied, repeat customers for your brand. Success also includes following stewardship and compliance requirements for production of seed that contains Corteva Agriscience™ licensed  technologies. This article provides some refreshers to keep in mind as you move forward with your 2025 corn and soybean seed production plans. 
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A Step Ahead Webinars 
Start the upcoming growing season feeling prepared with A Step Ahead webinars brought to you by the Enlist® weed control system. From Enlist® herbicide application basics to learning more about weed control for Enlist corn, to the most common questions about the Enlist weed control system, there’s a webinar for you.
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Meet Kyle Heronimus 

The newest member of the Licensing & Distribution team is Kyle Heronimus, joining the group in October as an Account Manager. But it wasn’t that many years ago, prior to joining Corteva, that Kyle spent time as a corn and soybean product manager for an independent seed company.  
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Corteva Agriscience and AI: Forging New Ground in the Seed Industry 
It seems artificial intelligence (AI) comes up in the news everywhere you turn. From medicine to cars to social media, AI is involved somehow, and the seed industry is no exception. Recently, Groundwork spoke with Matthew Smalley, R&D Data Science Leader, Corteva Agriscience, to review how Corteva uses AI in its research and development. 
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Biologicals Help Plants Handle Environmental Stress 

Science has been able to help farmers fight problems with insects and weeds for years. What they too often cannot overcome, however, are environmental challenges such as drought and  temperature. Or can they? 
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Matching PowerCore® Enlist® Corn Hybrids to the Right Fields and the Right Farmers
Putting the right corn product on the right acres – that’s what great product placement is all about. Helping your sales and agronomy teams understand the positioning of newer products like PowerCore® Enlist® corn paves the way. This article provides key “product fit” takeaways so you and your people can capitalize on the momentum building in the marketplace for PowerCore Enlist corn.
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Good Weed Management Starts with a Program Approach  
A program approach to weed control such as the Enlist® weed control system can help your customers combat tough weeds, protect yields and be good stewards of today’s weed technologies to maintain their effectiveness for many seasons to come. 
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Breaking Down the 2, 4-D Differences 
You may be wondering why more traditional forms of 2,4-D can’t be used with Enlist E3® soybeans. After all, Enlist E3 soybeans are tolerant to 2,4-D, right? Well, there are some very important reasons why only Enlist One® and Enlist Duo® herbicides are approved for use on Enlist® crops

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Biologicals: Improving Soil Health and Fertility  
Biologicals can be an important part of a farmer’s toolbox for improving soil fertility. By helping plants collect or utilize nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous, they help drive yield today while maintaining soil health for the future. 
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Employee Benefits for Small Businesses  
In today’s tight labor market, offering the right benefits can give you a real edge. By focusing on key areas like health and wellness, retirement plans, paid time off, and supplemental insurance, you can create a compelling package that attracts and retains top talent. Find out which benefits may help your business stand out and stay competitive. 
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Start Next Year’s Weed Control with Fall Burndown   
Farmers often face challenges with weed control due to varying weather and field conditions. A fall burndown can reduce winter weed populations and give crops a healthier start by preventing early-season competition. 
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Kyro™ Herbicide: The Triple Threat Postemergence Premix 
Recently, Marketing Development Specialist Jeff Bode, Corteva Agriscience, spoke with Groundwork, offering more information on Kyro™ herbicide, an exciting new product from Corteva Agriscience that provides unique benefits to farmers. 
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How Good Is Your Emergence Insurance? 
Early planting provides the opportunity for greater yield, but it also introduces some early-season challenges that can negatively impact seed emergence, stand and ultimately yield. Read on to find out more about the issues associated with early planting and what you can do about it. 
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Field Facts:
Palmer Amaranth  
Over the last decade, Palmer amaranth has become one of the most competitive weeds in corn, soybean and cotton fields across the country. Its long germination period and rapid growth make it a serious challenge. Read on to find out more about the herbicide programs and cultural practices farmers can use to help control this invasive weed. 
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Out-perform the Competition with PowerCore® Enlist® Corn
Corteva Agriscience trial data paints a picture of above-ground insect control and elite genetic performance for PowerCore® Enlist ® corn. And don’t forget about the convenience, flexibility and performance of the Enlist® weed control system. No wonder the market is on the move to PowerCore Enlist corn. Learn more, and get ready for brand-building success. 
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Seed Technology and Stewardship: Rules, Tools, and Yes …Benefits 
Stewardship can mean different things to different people, and the whole process can be a little overwhelming. Check out the Groundwork interview with Michael Smith, U.S. and Canada Seed Product Stewardship Lead, Corteva Agriscience in which he offers insights on stewardship for seed licensees and provides tips on making the effort work smoothly. 
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Soybeans vs.
Controlling waterhemp and other problematic weeds requires an integrated approach using multiple modes of action. Market Development Specialist, Corteva Agriscience, Brad Burkhart offers his insights on successfully controlling waterhemp and other weed threats. 
October 2024

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2 Key Findings from
2024 Nitrogen Trials   
Chris Kluemke, nitrogen stabilizer market development specialist, Corteva Agriscience, says there are two trends worth noting as we head into the fall application season. 
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How Stalk Rots Can Impact
Harvest Plans
Each year stalk rots cause damage and yield loss in fields across the U.S. As stalks deteriorate, your customers may need to rethink harvest plans and start prioritizing fields to combine. 
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The Importance of Including “Because” in Your Seed Marketing and Selling   
Psychology professors tested the power of various techniques at gaining acceptance to a request of complete strangers. They discovered one simple change to their “pitch” improved persuasion by more than 50%.1 Even more surprisingly, their findings relate directly to the art and science of selling seed. 

1 Langer, E., Blank, A., Chanowitz, B. “The Mindlessness of Ostensibly Thoughtful Action: The Role of “Placebic” Information in Interpersonal Interaction.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(6) 1978, 553-642. 
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Controlling Insect Pests and Protecting Beneficials  
Just like insecticides applied in the field, GMO crops with insect protection traits are tested extensively for potential effects on non-target organisms. Learn what studies are completed on traited products to adhere to regulatory requirements for pollinators, pest predators and other good-for-the-farm species. 
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Inside Look at Premium Soybean Seed Treatment Blends for '25   
Rachel Woods, Seed Applied Technologies Technical Services Manager, Corteva Agriscience, and Travis Anderson, Seed Applied Technologies Technical Sales Manager, Corteva Agriscience,  share the inside story about the premium soybean seed treatments available for 2025 planting: C-2023FI and C-3023FI
Building Your Most Valuable Asset – Your Personal Brand   
Ag professionals, such as your managers or salespeople, can build a strong personal brand to help them stand out in the industry and better connect with your farmer-customers. 
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Myth-Busting the #1 Soybean Trait Technology in the U.S.  
With an expected >65% market penetration for Enlist E3® soybeans in 2024 in the U.S., could there really be myths to dispel about the technology? Groundwork chatted with Scott Plagman, Portfolio Manager, Corteva Agriscience, to get his take. His analysis of four common myths he sees may surprise you. Are you ready to address them with your customers?
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A Whole-Farm Solution with the Enlist® Weed Control System   
When the idea of using 2,4-D choline on both corn and soybeans is raised, it often brings up questions about the potential for weed resistance. Read up on the good news from Steve Snyder, Enlist Field Specialist, Corteva Agriscience about a whole-farm solution in a corn/soybean rotation paired with 2,4-D choline of Enlist® herbicides and effective tank-mix partners.
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Attacking the Yield Gap with Biologicals  
Biologicals is the buzzword right now. But what are biologicals, how do they work and how can they enhance yield potential? Read about potential yield and profit gains and why Corteva Agriscience is committed to this segment of our business
September 2024

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Bringing New Traits to Market  
As technology constantly accelerates around us, the process of bringing new traits to market might feel agonizingly slow. This is especially true as your customers encounter new problems (resistance, extreme weather, changing pest pressures) that call for solutions sooner than later.
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Meet the Team 
Kara Williams  
Kara Williams has been around ag for most of her life. As the new marketing communications specialist for Corteva Agriscience’s U.S. licensing and distribution business, she’s looking forward to bringing a new perspective and new materials to licensees. 
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A Guide to Podcasting Success 
Podcasts are emerging as valuable tools to connect with farmers and can help you build brand loyalty. 
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Knowing Your Soil pH is More Important Than Ever 
What happens when your soil pH is too high or too low? Knowing your soil pH is key to improving your fertilizer efficiency. We’ll take a look at why it’s more important than ever.  
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Crop Rotation Planning for 2025 
U.S. market share data indicates most farmers rotating from corn to beans will plant Enlist E3® soybeans in those fields. And Enlist E3 soybean growers who are pleased with the performance, ease and flexibility of the Enlist weed control system increasingly choose PowerCore® Enlist® corn in fields they rotate to corn. Check out these tips for crop rotation success in 2025.
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3 Tips to Control Dicamba-resistant Kochia 
Resistant kochia is one of the biggest headaches for soybean farmers in the upper Midwest and Plains states. Explore how you can help your customers protect their yield.
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Prep for Fall Nitrogen Applications
Whether your customers are using anhydrous ammonia or liquid manure this fall, Andrew Luzum, Corteva Agriscience Nutrient Maximizer Strategic Account Manager, has tips for application prep. 
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Premium Soybean Seed Treatments Built for a Winning Start 
Corteva Agriscience is introducing two updated premium seed treatment packages for soybeans, designed to give your customers even greater confidence from the moment they get their seed in the ground.
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Know Your Enemy: Understanding the Evolution of Weed Resistance
Kochia, waterhemp and giant ragweed are among the most yield-robbing weeds in the Midwest. Another common feature is that they’re all becoming more resistant to herbicides.  
August 2024

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Understanding Metabolic Resistance
When a weed scientist says a novel weed resistance issue is not well understood, it’s a little concerning. Most farmers understand the need to apply multiple herbicide groups and rotate them to reduce the number of herbicide-resistant weeds going to seed.
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How Biologicals Complement Traditional Solutions
Naturally occurring biological products with proven performance make a valuable addition to a diverse set of farming practices — whether your customers’ practices are completely organic, mostly conventional or simply focused on what works best for their farms.
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Meet the Team Bart Baudler
Bart Baudler has always been a part of farming. He grew up on a corn and soybean farm near Fontanelle in southwest Iowa, a small town where he was one of just 24 students in his graduating class. He was the first in his family to attend college, graduating from Iowa State University with a degree in agronomy, while his brother kept the family farm going.  
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Marketing & Selling: A Guide for Social Media
According to a 2022 Successful Farming survey of print media remains the top trusted source for information, however, online sources continue to close the gap, with 36% of farmers trusting internet-based sources. 
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Journey to #1 with Enlist E3® Soybeans
A lot has happened in the six years since the launch of Enlist E3® soybeans. As thoughts turn to 2025 planning, let’s reflect on what we discovered.
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Product Spotlight: Lumiderm® Insecticide Seed Treatment 
Cover crops, manure and early planting can all bring the potential for higher soybean yields. But these practices tend to attract overwintering insects, making it more challenging for young soybean seed and seedlings to get a good start.
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Mastering the Science of Genome Editing
To help us better understand the science of genome editing, Groundwork recently spoke with Dr. Kevin Diehl, Global Genome Editing Regulatory Advocacy Director, Corteva Agriscience. In his work, he engages with regulators, legislators, customers and industry and advocacy groups to help them better understand this innovative science.
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Field Facts: Lambsquarters 
Common lambsquarters is an early emerging summer annual weed that is prevalent in the Midwest. The emergence timing and rapid growth make lambsquarters extremely competitive with soybeans. 
JULY 2024

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De-Mystifying a Marketing "How-To"
When you focus your message and media and tighten your audience reach, you’ll be doing everything you can to boost awareness – and you’ll be doing it efficiently.
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American-Made: Celebrating Our U.S. Roots
In a global agriculture market dominated by multinational corporations, Corteva Agriscience and independent seed companies across the U.S. stand out. U.S.-based and headquartered, they embody the American spirit.
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Meet the Team
Scott Schulz
For the new Corteva Agriscience U.S. Seed Licensing and Distribution Leader Scott Schulz, agriculture has always been part of who he is. “It’s been part of my life and in my blood from the day I was born, and I love it,” he said.
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What Can Be Done About Late-Season Weeds?
If your customers are experiencing weed escapes, you may be asking yourself: Which products are available that can control late-season weeds? And is it worth spraying those fields again?
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Field Facts:
Woolly Cupgrass
Herbicide-resistant weeds, such as waterhemp, giant ragweed and marestail, are likely already on the radar for most of your customers. But now, a fourth troublesome weed is making a resurgence after causing yield loss challenges many years ago: woolly cupgrass.
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More Resilient Farming with PowerCore® Enlist® Corn
Corteva Agriscience Global Technical Education Lead Clint Pilcher talks to a lot of audiences about PowerCore® Enlist® corn. When we asked him to name one thing he wished more people “got” about this technology, he said, “This product is really about multi-year benefits.”
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Seed Traits: Creating Value for Customers Through More Sustainable Solutions
Sustainability has been a focus for years now, but what is it and how does our work in the seed business contribute to it?
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Breaking Down the Tar Spot Lifecycle
Tar spot is a foliar corn disease that has recently emerged as an economic concern for corn growers. Recent data shows corn growers losing 20-60 bu/A in locations with severe tar spot.
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Resilience in the Face of Extreme Weather
Severe storms, droughts, increasing temperatures, pests and changing rainfall patterns are only some of the elements that today’s farmers must juggle when crop planning and choosing soybean varieties. 
JUNE 2024

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Field Facts:
Tar Spot
“This pathogen is overwintering in debris in the northern Corn Belt. It’s here, and it’s going to be here for future seasons,” said Darcy Telenko, Ph.D., Field Crop Pathologist, Purdue University. 
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A Quick Guide for Success at Fall Field Days
Now's the time to start planning your fall field days and grower meetings. These events are critical for showcasing the performance of your current seed varieties, taking seed orders for the coming year, and strengthening long-term relationships with your customers.
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Marketing & Selling
Groundwork Helps You Keep Farmers Informed
We want Groundwork to be a resource for you when you’re reaching out to farmers, whether that’s during face-to-face meetings, in online blogs or via social media.  
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Managing Diseases in Late-planted Crops
Late-planted crops are generally more susceptible to crop disease. The reason is due to the “disease triangle.” Diseases thrive when all three pieces of the disease triangle coexist — a favorable host, the pathogen and the right environment. 
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Tips for Summer
Corn Scouting
No matter when your customers were able to get into the field for planting this spring, regular scouting can help set the stage for a successful corn yield come harvest.  
Getting into the field on a regular basis after planting will improve the timing on important crop protection decisions.
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Addressing Insect Threats with PowerCore® Enlist® Corn 
While pairing these traits with one of the deepest corn germplasm pools on the planet is most certainly a boon to growers, there are plenty of other reasons why PowerCore Enlist or PowerCore® Enlist® Refuge Advanced® corn make a smart addition to your customers’ fields. 
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Biologicals Spotlight: Helping Crops Utilize Phosphorus in the Soil
Phosphorus is a critical nutrient for plant health, playing an important role in root growth and photosynthesis, which in turn facilitates plant reproduction and grain and seed production.
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10 Go-To Tips for Summer 2024 
As the growing season kicks into high gear, now’s a good time to brush up on herbicide concepts that can help your team add value for customers growing Enlist E3® soybeans.
MAY 2024

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Talent Strategies for a New Generation
In the shifting terrains of the global job market, ag businesses stand at a crossroads. The increasing retirement of Baby Boomers and a dwindling direct connection to farming have ushered in a critical shortage of skilled workers, exacerbated by a pandemic that has uprooted traditional hiring.
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5 Reasons Why Optinyte Technology is Superior to DCD
You know nitrogen stabilizers maximize nitrogen fertilizer investments. But did you know not all nitrogen stabilizers are created equal? Here are five ways Optinyte® technology is superior to products containing DCD (dicyandiamide) when it comes to preventing nitrogen loss.
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Product Spotlight: Lumiflex™ Fungicide Seed Treatment 
Lumiflex™ fungicide seed treatment delivers proven protection against seedling and systemic diseases of corn, including Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Aspergillus and other seed-borne diseases, as well as protection against head smut. It also improves stand establishment for higher yield potential.
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Herbicide Flexibility with PowerCore® Enlist® Corn 
With tolerance to four herbicides — 2,4-D choline in Enlist® herbicides, FOP herbicides, glyphosate and glufosinate — PowerCore Enlist corn gives farmers additional flexibility for designing their weed control program. 
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Biologicals Spotlight: Nitrogen Benefits from a Natural Bacterium
Nitrogen deficiency in crops like corn and soybeans can have a negative effect on plant health and compromise yield. The active ingredient in Utrisha N is a nitrogen-fixing bacterium that supplies needed nitrogen to crops throughout the growing season to improve crop health and increase yield potential.
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Soybeans: Trait Technologies Boost a Wonder Crop 
Corteva Agriscience is continuing to pursue the next advances in soybean traits to serve the needs of farmers, industry and the food chain. The future may hold new herbicide tolerances, improved nutritional and oil profiles and environmental benefits that allow soybeans to yield more with fewer inputs. 
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Spray Timely and Early for More Effective Weed Control 
When looking at a weed, its overall height can be deceptively short. How is that possible? Because, to a herbicide, the weed’s height is not a linear measurement from the ground to the top of the plant. When a herbicide is fighting a weed, that fight takes into account every inch of the weed.
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2,4-D in Corn: Setting the Record Straight
As you’re talking to farmers about PowerCore® Enlist® corn, you may hear some common misconceptions about 2,4-D. The good news is these myths are pretty simple to clear up.
This handy myth-busting guide can help you overcome objections in sales conversations and open more customers up to the opportunities of planting PowerCore Enlist corn.
April 2024

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Gaining Insight and Growing Business with Social Listening 
Social listening can be a strong ally in your efforts to improve your marketing by highlighting the perspectives of your customers. By paying attention to what they are saying, you can better understand their wants and needs, provide them with a first-rate customer experience and strengthen the position of your brand.
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Biologicals Spotlight: Help Protect Crops in Times of Stress
Sosdia Stress abiotic stress mitigator helps reduce yield losses in corn and soybeans from environmentally stressful conditions such as drought, heat, salinity and ultraviolet light. This convenient, sustainable solution contains proline – a natural amino acid – that protects plant cells, reduces water loss and improves stomata function.
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Gene Editing to Deliver Improved Crops 
The practice of producing plants with desired traits is not new. Farmers have been doing it for thousands of years through selective breeding. In more recent years, mutation breeding and GMOs have been used, but newer gene editing tools have several advantages for achieving desired traits.
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Field Facts:
Anthracnose Leaf Blight 
Anthracnose leaf blight is a fungal pathogen that poses a significant threat to corn, grain sorghum and small grains. In corn, anthracnose leaf blight causes yield loss annually in the U.S., mostly due to stalk lodging, while anthracnose stalk rot and top dieback cause significantly more.
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Addressing the Growing Glyphosate Resistance Problem
Although glyphosate has long been used to control unwanted weeds in general, and grassy weeds in specific, some of that control has waned as grasses develop resistance to the herbicide. This spreading resistance is prompting the use of herbicides with different modes of action.
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Early Planting Needs High‑Quality Seed Treatments
The trend toward early soybean planting shows no signs of letting up. Despite what the groundhog may say, spring planting conditions may arrive early in many areas again this year, and some farmers will look to put soybeans in the ground even ahead of corn.
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Optimize Weed Control by Avoiding Tank-Mix Mistakes
While tank-mixing can bring you and your customers improved weed control, convenience and efficiencies, each product added to the tank also increases the potential for negative interactions. Physical incompatibilities can clump or gel an entire tank, and chemical incompatibilities often can result in reduced efficacy or crop injury.
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Designing an Effective and Efficient Enlist E3® Soybean Weed Control Program
For the second year in a row, the majority of U.S. soybean acres are expected to be planted with Enlist E3® soybeans in 2024. This technology has proven itself on millions of acres and is now the #1 selling soybean technology in the U.S.
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More Modes of Action for Powerful Pest Protection 
The first generation of Bt traits were introduced in 1996 to protect corn against stalk-boring insects. Pest protection has come a long way since, and today’s products, such as PowerCore® Enlist® corn, offer multiple Bt traits to help provide effective pest protection for control of susceptible insect populations with an integrated refuge. 
March 2024

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Using Text Marketing to Get Your Message Out 
These days, it seems everyone is constantly on their cell phones, spending a good deal of time talking, browsing or texting. In fact, the average smartphone user spends around 26 minutes per day texting. What’s more, 78% of consumers wish they could text a business.
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Machine Learning
Brings AI to the Farm 
Farmers are always looking for new ways to overcome challenges in their fields. One area that could help now and in the future is artificial intelligence (AI), specifically machine learning. Whether or not your customers are already using this technology, it’s likely going to be part of farming’s future, so it’s worth talking about how it can help as well as its limitations.
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Why Preemergence Applications Always Pay Of 
Although it may be tempting to reduce herbicide costs by eliminating preemergence applications on soybean acres this season, doing so can lead to long-term consequences.
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The Enlist® weed control system is here for the long haul, and here’s why: It’s based in science and backed by stewardship. This unrivaled system starts with Enlist® herbicide-tolerant traits that enable the use of our powerful Enlist® herbicides.
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Product Spotlight: Lumivia® Insecticide Seed Treatment 
Insect damage to seeds and seedlings is one of the most significant problems farmers face, affecting stand establishment, plant health and yield. Lumivia insecticide seed treatment delivers broad-spectrum protection against early season corn pests.
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An Inside Look at Reduced Stature Corn 
Corteva Agriscience researchers are striving to develop reduced stature corn with stronger stalks and an agronomic system that potentially allows for more yield per acre. Reduced stature plant breeding was developed with wheat genetics by world-renowned agronomist Norman Borlaug, in the mid-1950s.
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Impact of Corn Hybrids with Multiple Traits
Corn crops face several pest challenges from insects, weeds and even volunteer corn. There can be multiple ways to deal with these pressures, including incorporating integrated pest and/or weed management programs. However, attention also needs to be paid to the potential for weed and insect resistance.
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Advancing Genetic Diversity in Soybeans
Farmers and their trusted agronomic advisors have long applied the practice of utilizing genetic diversity to reduce risk and maximize yield potential in any given season. With the advent of weed control technologies like the Enlist® weed control system, growers have gained an additional advantage to maximize the yield potential of their soybeans. 
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Today’s Biological Products Show Efficacy, Promise and Acceptance 
You're not alone if you think a new biological is introduced as regularly as the weekly radio farm market recap. As their use becomes widely accepted, suppliers deliver potential biological solutions as fast as the market will bear. Plus, growers are eager to learn about them. 
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